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Sunday 31 March 2019

=== Mobile Game Review -- Business Inc - Business Management - 1/10 ===

Here's an interesting game idea I came across a little while ago called Business Inc. The goal of this game is to start as a small company with just one employee making games and to grow into a larger company making profits.

So in the beginning, the player needs to hire an employee with little skills and start designing games which grows their skills into making a better quality product and being able to make these products faster. I started this game over and over and over trying to be profitable and continue to be profitable as the game went on, but I could never really make it very far into the game.

I don't know if I was playing the game wrong... I like to think I'm quite good at coming up with strategies and figuring out how to win at games, but it just seemed like everything I tried to do was... useless. As you can see, the game sort of lulls you into a false sense of security where you believe you're making money but as soon as you start hiring more people who are untrained or trying to take longer projects the money starts to fall off really quickly.

See, Business Inc isn't just about making a game and being happy with it; You have to be able to make the game faster than your competitors and at a good enough quality that you still make some profits once your competitor comes out with their version of it. At first I figured out it's not so bad to just focus on the simple projects and having those come out as quickly as possible... but then once the bigger and longer projects started coming out requiring more employees with higher skill levels, all the profits began to fall apart until I went bankrupt EVERY time.

So unfortunately this game didn't last very long as there wasn't very far I could get to keep my interest very long. If this game has progressed since I played it or if someone has found a winning strategy to this game, I would be more than happy to hear your explanation. Until then, for me, this game isn't a very good game.


Gameplay: Very interesting concept. I love business-type games and I'm still on the hunt for a truly awesome business sort of game. This game just doesn't have very far to go as the gameplay falls off very quickly without any progression or ability to make choices which really impact the end-result of the game. Business Inc is really more like a game-loss simulator rather than any sort of game-play.

Sound: The music is nice, though repetitive. As the game isn't very long and there isn't much to the gameplay, there really isn't much to be said about the sound.

Replayability: As I've already mentioned, the gameplay is severely lacking. As a result, there's ZERO want to play this game again unless there are some huge changes to the game.

SCORE: I really wanted to like this game and really tried to make it work, but with what I've seen from this has been rather disappointing. Business Inc gets my first ever 1/10 rating because it is seriously so bad I wouldn't even recommend bothering to try it; It just doesn't go anywhere and give absolutely no hope of ever being successful. Even if the player did manage to find a way to keep from going bankrupt, the gameplay wouldn't be any fun because because it would consist of doing the exact same thing over and over with no change or progression.

~ DaemonVirus

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