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Thursday, 26 April 2018

Age of Wonders -- Keepers Scenario 5 - Part 1

Now that we're FINALLY done with scenario 4, we can move on to scenario 5. I wonder if we'll manage to complete this one on the first try this time? Or will something catastrophic happen once again? There's only one way to find out!

This campaign and more can be found on my Age of Wonders page.

Check out more of my stuff!
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~ DaemonVirus

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Age of Wonders -- Keepers Scenario 4.3 - Part 2

Have we finally completed this scenario? Are we able to leave this behind and never see it again? It's been so long, but I think we can kiss this scenario goodbye once and for all. Go ahead, watch the action and then we can continue with this story and move on to the next. Where will we go from here?

- More videos can be found on the Age of Wonders page.
- All videos and more can be found on my YouTube channel.

~ Kyle Welykholowa / DaemonVirus

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

=== Happy Birthday! (A Month Ago) ===

     Alright, I know this is late, but happy birthday to my sweet Isabelle! I still find it difficult to believe that she's already been around for over a year; she still seems so itty bitty small.

     Now that I've been spending more time with her and getting to know her better, I find myself beginning to understand more of what she wants in certain situations and how to handle her in different moods. She laughs at some of the weirdest things and she turns on the waterworks at the drop of a hat for reasons I won't even pretend to understand. Soon enough she'll be talking and communicating more in a language that I'll have an easier time understanding... I hope.

     With her so close to walking, it's only a matter of time before she's getting into even more things than she's already getting into. She's cruising around the furniture like no tomorrow and every once in a while she gets brave and lets go of things and just stands there sucking on a toy or her hands. Not a single tooth has popped out of her gums yet, but she's almost walking.

     Time seems to be flying by with this tiny little girl. In no time at all she'll be past all this baby stuff and moving out of the house and I'll be wondering what I've been doing for the past 20 years. Ah well, I'll just have to try to keep up with her and we can all learn and enjoy the experience together.

~ Kyle Welykholowa

Age of Wonders -- Keepers Scenario 4.3 - Part 1

Alright, so this is the first time I'm doing this and I expect this to be a continuing thing in the future. New special posts for each video upload!

If you've been following with the rest of my uploads for Age of Wonders so far, you'll notice that this is THE THIRD time I've restarted this scenario. Obviously things haven't been going so well with this one if we've been stuck on it for so long. As it turns out... dragons are difficult to keep up with and kill when they're being produced in large numbers.

Hopefully this time is the last time we have to restart this level. I'll be skipping some of the gameplay so that you don't have to watch the same early and boring things going on AGAIN. Enjoy!

- You can find a directory of this video and more on the Age of Wonders page.
- Check out more of my videos directly on YouTube.

~ Kyle Welykholowa / DaemonVirus

Sunday, 8 April 2018

=== Getting Laid ===

     A few weeks ago, I found myself getting laid... off from my job. While that's certainly something you don't expect to see coming, I wasn't totally surprised due to some other people getting laid off previously as well. At this point I'm still looking for a new job, but strangely I think we're doing better now than we were doing before. We finally have all of our bills paid including our credit card and we still have some money to spare for groceries and gas and whatnot.

     This is a situation we didn't actively plan for, but now that we find ourselves in this position, we surprisingly aren't as worried as we had expected we would be. The craziest thing for me right now is that I'm having so much more time to see my sweet Isabelle than before. I'm learning new things about her that I didn't know before and watching her grow and start to do things that she wasn't able to before either. It's amazing to be able to watching all of this happening from the comfort of my own home... rather than for only half an hour every morning and an hour each evening.

     I've become a stay-at-home dad at this point. Honestly, I didn't really think it would be so difficult to keep up with all the daily housework and things that have to get done. On one hand, I'm exhausted and worn out and I don't want to keep doing anything, but on the other hand, I'm getting things done and getting the house slowly organized and it feels great! I think I might be a little bit sad that I'm going to have to go back to work at some point (preferably sooner rather than later).

     One thing I would like so say is that I have no hard feelings towards Boardwalk at all. That's unfortunately just a part of business sometimes. I would still work for them if a favourable opportunity presented itself, but I will admit that I am enjoying a bit of time off where I can do some other things for a bit including paying a bit more attention to this here blog. I have big plans you guys, big plans. Much to do, much to do. Everything will come together in no time and soon enough you'll be reading about me almost every day! (Or maybe not, who knows? :P )

~ Kyle Welykholowa