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Tuesday, 29 January 2019

What Happened Last Month

I find myself sitting here, wondering to myself... what happened last month? I'm really not going to go into the entire detail of what caused what and who did this and that. I think there's much more important lessons to learn from the events that transpired over the past month.

For anybody who doesn't know, my wife moved out for about one month and is now back home where she belongs. There are underlying issues which I believe this has brought forth and from this point things can go one of two ways: either we learn from this and become a stronger couple who work together, or we learn absolutely nothing at all except that perhaps we just don't work out as a couple. I like to think we have taken the first path of learning to be better together where rather than avoiding each other we take the time to talk and work through our issues.

My personal learning from this event has brought me to the conclusion that staying up all night long isn't the way to go, because it only makes me tired the next day and unable to function properly. As it turns out, sleeping at night definitely makes me more motivated and able to do things during the day. I suppose the fact that I start work most days by 7:00 am helps me be tired by the time it starts getting late at night... it also helps that I'm pretty much forced to get up at 6:30 or earlier every day (including days off) either because of the dogs going mental at stupid times of the night / morning, or because our DEAR SWEET baby girl now wakes up most days no later than 6:30 in the morning because she often goes to daycare before I start work... which also means I have to be up even earlier than usual.

I suppose I've also learned that I need to pay more attention to both Carley's an my own needs and emotions and we need to work at talking together instead of brushing things off and hoping that's the end of it; emotions are important and valid, even when they seem stupid. Though someone else's problems may not make sense and may seem insignificant to you, those problems may be much more meaningful to them.

On that note, I've learned things about myself as well; such as that I am important, and I can do things for myself as well as others. I still don't like going out of the house very much, but I am feeling much better about myself. The most troubling thing I'm currently dealing with is finding the motivation to get things done while I'm not on working time or taking care of Isabelle... instead of sleeping. I seriously hate sleep; I wish I never had to sleep ever again... but it feels soooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooood to sleep and / or nap.

I do have a lot of plans on the go right now though: Dates with Carley, playing with and teaching Isabelle, cleaning and organizing the house so that we can actually find things and not feel like it (the basement) is cluttered, making blog posts and videos, and somehow finding all the time to do all of this and keep going without running out of energy! ........ Oh... I also want to get into a regular habit of taking the dogs for a walk, and playing games with friends (most importantly my wife), and drawing / doodling, maybe taking the time to colour, read some books, get into biking once the weather clears up... there's so much I want to do and so little time to do it all.

Every day is a learning experience, but we'll get there... together.

~ Kyle Welykholowa ^_^

Sunday, 20 January 2019

=== Mobile Game Review -- Car Merger - Idle Clicker - 2 / 10 ===

Games where you progress while you are offline are some of the easiest games to play on a phone. Car merger is one such game where you perform activities online to then make more money while you are offline.

The gameplay of car merger is quite simple really: starting from the beginning you would purchase one car of level 1 and set it to work racing around a track which earns money over time both while you are playing the game and while you have the game closed. Once enough money has been earned, you will then be able to purchase a second car of level 1. At this point you have two choices: the first would be to put both cars to work racing around the track earning money over time. The second would be to move one of these cars on top of the other of these cars which would create one car of level 2.

As the levels of the cars racing around the track increase, they earn more money. A big component of a game with an idle progression element is making more money... Which means anytime you can make more money that's usually the correct choice. Really, the only time you would want to not level up your car might be if you want to have the maximum number of cars on the track at one time. In most cases you straight up make more money by merging cars together to make a higher level car... But occasionally if you don't have enough money to purchase the car you need and are about to go offline, having the maximum number of cars on the track earns you an additional 10% income.

Someone may at first think this is a great bit of strategy to the game! Unfortunately, the payoff is just wasn't big enough to really care whether or not I bothered filling out my race track. Despite this, I still tried to have a good time... which was a little difficult... because half of the game was spent watching advertisements. At some point in the game an option unlocks which allows you to purchase cars of a higher starting level than level 1; but the bad part about this option is that nearly every time you open up the tab... You also open up an advertisement. Oh, and of course there's an option to WILLINGLY watch ANOTHER advertisement to get a car (which already doesn't cost very much compared to what you're making) FOR FREE! Most of these advertisements are pretty easy to skip, but I really don't want to be spending most of my game time closing advertisements. I may as well just be browsing the internet or watching television.

My final gripe about this game is quite simply... this:

I mean... hey, I get it, you have to show advertisements to make money otherwise you'll only lose money by providing a free game without anything worth purchasing inside the game. The problem with this I have is WHY give me the option to download the game and NOT consent to the terms... if you're then not going to let me close the window after changing the option? I'd much rather receive a notification that says "Look, this is how it works and you using the app means you consent to the terms." Don't give me the OPTION then tell me it's the wrong choice.


Gameplay: Simple concept, easy to figure out. Controls are sometimes a little unresponsive while merging cars. Nice to make progress while not playing the game, but not really much to do once you've merged a bunch of cars. You just keep... merging more cars and waiting for longer and longer periods of time as the costs get higher.

Sound: Lots of cute fun sounds. Doesn't get annoying. Nothing special to talk about.

Replayability: Easy concept to jump in and out of. Nothing to work towards other than more money. Constantly getting interrupted by advertisements is no fun. Once you've merged one car, you've merged them all. Nothing changes other than how fast you make money as you merge more and more cars to race around the track.

SCORE: Unfortunately I just don't have all that much to say about this game. It works, that's about it. There isn't very far to go into this game before you run out of new content, there are way too many ads, and it feels like the game is teasing you when it gives the option of not consenting to the use of data and advertisements.

+ It's a working game
+ Easy to get into
+ Sounds are nice and don't get annoying

- Seriously NOT a deep game
- Once you've merged one car, there's nothing new besides changing advertisements
- There's way too many forced advertisements followed by options to watch MORE advertisements for "rewards"
- There is an option to not have to watch advertisements... but it's just a huge tease which doesn't let you play the game if you turn it off

Car Merger gets a score of 2 / 10 from me; after a short time into the game, it becomes very dry and repetitive with no new content to look forward to. AND STOP WITH THE ADVERTISEMENTS ALREADY!!!

~ Kyle Welykholowa