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Sunday 5 March 2017

Some Of My Thoughts On Sports

     Okay, so I've been thinking recently about how I feel about hockey. Maybe this will blow your mind, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only Canadian who doesn't like hockey. Or well... I don't MIND it, but it's just not very interesting to me. I guess if I'm being honest, I don't really like many sports in general other than curling. So in reality, I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't like hockey... but why don't I like hockey?

     It's too slow for me. Many people would say otherwise, but I get bored of only seeing 2-3 points scored in a whole game. And yeah, sure, they skate back and forth across the ice from one side to the other, but then they sit there... passing the puck... over and over and over again. I realize they're looking for the right opportunity for someone to slip up and give that opening where they're able to shoot the puck through the throng of people and into the goal; it takes so long though. Unlike in basketball where there are points being scored all the time; tons and tons of points over and over again! Wow! Look at all those points! They scored again! And again! Wow! And... they scored... again... and again.... oh.... again.

     Okay, so I'm not a huge fan of basketball either. Yeah, it takes a lot of skill to be able to accurately and consistently shoot a ball into a basket, but come on... they score way too much! To me, this means there isn't a good enough way to play defense in this game. You're not really allowed to touch anybody, and there isn't really anything stopping you from doing a layup into the basket over and over except when you miss; I just don't really get it. And once again, this is a game where people go back and forth across the court from one side to the other again and again and again. What am I missing here? Why is this so much fun?

     These are two sports where (to me) they either score not enough, or way too much. And all the action seems very repetitive to me. That's not to say I don't support anybody who plays these sports, I just don't personally understand the appeal to either watching or playing these games. Maybe it's because I view these games as a little bit less skill-based, and more fitness-based. Hockey, basketball, and football (which I enjoy watching a little bit more) are all games which seem predominantly endurance games. They play for a long time and have to have a very high fitness level to be able to continue to play throughout the entire game. I'll say, that is pretty cool that people are able to have that sort of level of fitness that they can do such a thing. My type of game is a little bit different though.

     My sport of choice Curling. Now, if you really want to be the very best at curling, yes, you do need to actually be fit and able to last for a long time. But there is also so much strategy and thinking that goes into this game that I just don't find anywhere else; though I'm sure it exists in other games as well. Curling for me is like playing a game of chess where you not only have to decide on the best play possible, you also have to throw your piece with the correct amount of power that you get there. It's an amazing combination of strategic thinking, muscle memory, and fitness that all gets put to work at the same time. Just thinking about this makes me miss being able to curl; this year with school, a family on the way, and having to budget our money a little tighter than previously, I just wasn't able to participate.

Even as a nerd, some sports are still fun to me.

~ Kyle Welykholowa

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