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Sunday 4 December 2016

Thoughts through my head.

     Usually I start a post with a title and an idea of what I want to talk about, but today I just sort of feel like talking about whatever and figuring out the title afterwords. This sort of blends into the fact that I find myself wanting to do quite a few things lately. I want to make some extra money on the side so Carley and I can go out for dates and things, I want to continue recording and posting my videos on YouTube, I want to read books, I want to stream on Twitch, I want to do homework ahead of time, I want to make blog posts. I want to do so much, but I don't even know where to start.

     Usually it's something like "I feel like I don't have the time to do that," but this time is really just a problem of not knowing where I want to start or what I want to do first. It's all so much fun to me that I hardly know how to contain myself, and yet when it comes time to do it... I don't know what to do. I don't think this is all a bad thing though, I think I just need to figure out what I'd like to do first and go from there. As I write I'm thinking of what I'd like to to later on today when I have the time to do so.

     I guess I have a dream of being able to do these sorts of things like blogging and video creating and actually making some money out of it. I think it would be pretty cool to make just $10 in a month solely based on the words I put out to the world, or the videos I've put together for all to see. I'm sure it's possible... I just don't really have a great knowledge of how to go about expanding the number of people my content hits. As far as I know it's sort of a waiting game to get more and more people to see my content and share it with others and have it continue from there. I don't know... I know it's possible, I just wish I knew how to make it happen faster and better and things. Perhaps I should start looking into getting into some kind of forums or something? There are so many options and so little time. I want to be successful but don't know if I have the time to wait for it to happen or if the process needs to be sped up by me putting more work into it. Perhaps this is just something I should take a little more time to think on.

     So here I am creating content for my own website. Perhaps not the most professional and amazing thing you've ever read, but it's me. There isn't any makeup hiding how I like to be or who I am. This is me on a day when I don't have a specific topic, just what comes out of my head as the day goes on. I think it's good to have a bit of a mixture between candid posts and ones that have been thought about more. It's good to be able to take some time to just post something every once in a while that doesn't require me to be all professional about it and give you all the proper details.

     This really gives me more time to think somewhat about how, if possible, I can make just a little bit more money than I am currently without getting a whole new job at the moment. I'd like to find something I can do (such as writing content for a blog) which could make me an extra 5 or 10 dollars every couple days. I'll have to look around and see if I can find anything to lead me in the right direction. More people to see my content and better content to attract more people; anything would help really. I think the most important thing though, is to keep at it; nothing will happen if I don't keep trying.

     Well, I think that's it for this post. I just thought I'd give you some idea of what's going through my head. Have a great day everybody! ^_^

~ Kyle

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