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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Blogging Apologies

I had previously mentioned that more blog posts were on the way and clearly I haven't posted much since saying that. So I very much need to apologize to anybody who was looking forward to that. I know there are people out there who look forward to my posts and I've been really lacking lately.

There is good reason for not having been posting much lately. I've been focusing more on my livestreaming because it feels more like being on the radio and is plainly more fun for me. That doesn't mean I don't like writing and posting. Just that I prefer talking. I once had a dream of being a radio broadcaster but I decided not to go into that profession because I didn't like the idea of moving around all the time to get a better job... I don't know if that's absolutely true or not, but that's what they told us during the meet-and-greet sort of thing.

So I'm not going to make any promises about posting more, but I will let you know that you can honestly expect to see much more of me being live in the future. Even if we're only live for an hour or two every couple days, you'll be able to come and hang out during that time and see what's new in the world.

With that being said, I did recently lose my job, so I definitely have more time on my hands that I need to keep productive. We'll see what comes out of that.

Stay safe and healthy everybody. We'll talk again soon! ^_^