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Saturday 22 December 2018

Sidetracked Development

Hey everyone! We've had a little bit of a... development last week and now not only am I super far behind on blog posts from months ago, but I'm also incredibly sidetracked from where I want to be right now. All is not lost though! At this point, I need to keep myself busy and what better way is there to do so than by resetting myself and getting back to work?

So for a little bit, my posts may be jumping around a tad more than usual with some being current events and some being past events, but I'll be sure to keep all the proper pages updated so that correct timelines can be followed for anybody who wants to read from start-to-finish all in one go. Now that I'm done with the most important final class I have (which means I can officially apply to have the certificate I've been working towards for the past couple years), I can finally put more focus back into the blog that I have loved so dearly since it began.

Between work and child-entertaining, I've got a lot to do, but I think I can fit in a little bit of time for those important hobbies that keep be sane. I have a plan, a vision, a goal, a desire, to make this into a wildly successful site along with everything else I do and I can only make that happen with YOU.

Don't be afraid to keep up with IntroNerdedLiving, there's something for everyone here! I'm always looking for suggestions no matter where the comments are done. Please like, share, follow, and whatever else you have time to do if you enjoy anything that I do on this here blog. You can look forward to the continuing story of our honeymoon trip, game reviews, YouTube videos, and more!

Whether you tell me in person or via text, it means a lot to know that people read and keep coming back to read more.

Stay tuned for the next edition of IntroNerdedLiving. ^_^

~ Kyle Welykholowa


  1. Share your happy times with your family and leave the other stuff behind. :)

    1. I can definitely do that. I've got a lot of stories to tell that I'm sure everyone is waiting to hear. ^_^
